Early July 2012: Southeast Alaska In All Its Glory...

Early July 2012:

Southeast Alaska in all its glory 
while commercial fishing...

[Photograph credits to my husband]

My husband Captain Max's 
hardworking deckhands, Dick and Chase,
 aboard the F/V Chelsey...

My husband's friend Randy
commercial trolling 
off into the sunset
aboard his F/V Kaia...
More commercial troller fleet
An Albatross
or a "Gooney Bird"
as my husband's uncle Glen calls them...
Deckhand Chase
landing his first King Salmon aboard the F/V Chelsey
under Dick's guidance... 
A Tufted Puffin
35 miles offshore...
An Albatross and Sea Pigeons
squabbling over a meal...
My husband says,
"Don't ask me what this is"...
Beautiful old and well-kept
commercial troller...
Randy's beautiful commercial troller the F/V Kaia ~
my husband's fishing buddy...
Playful Fur Seal
stopped by for a visit...

Releasing a 40 lb. Ling Cod...

"Riders in the Sky"...

Captain Max passing by the neon-lit
Cape Fairweather "Weather" Buoy
25 miles offshore at 11:30 p.m.

aboard the F/V Chelsey... 
Yakobi Island Harbors...

This particular Fur Seal played around the F/V Chelsey
for 2.5 hours and toyed with their incoming salmon,
but it ended up not touching any of them after all.

My husband says,
"They're are the most social of all mammals
that I have ever seen"...

Well, "Hello"...
A scenic capture of stunning
Yakobi Island Harbor...
My husband was up early at the break of sunrise,
heading out to the fishing grounds,
while this particular captain sleeps on...

These Murres
(the seabirds in the middle)
posture and appear just like miniature Penquins,
while sharing their floating log with Seagulls...
The Murres boldly
"standing at attention"
to the Seagull...

Salmon Shark just chomped off
the other half of Captain Max's
dandy King Salmon...

Outside coast of
Yakobi Island...

Leaving beautiful Hoonah at 5:30 a.m.
and heading home-sweet-home to Juneau...

Another great and memorable
commercial fishing trip comes to and end.

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